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A Roundup of Recent News in the World of Steel Erection

March 4, 2022

We have many clients in the steel erecting business, especially now that our Drop-In Roof Frames are being widely used. So, we rounded up some recent news, best practices and construction safety tips to give erectors a quick glimpse of what’s going on in the industry today.

Safety in Steel Erection

According to the Steel Erectors Association of America (SEAA) Connector magazine’s Winter 2021 edition, erectors should be reminded of some helpful safety measures that are all too often overlooked, specifically:

  • Ladder Safety – The SEAA recommends including ladder safety in daily safety meetings, and not taking it for granted that crews already know (and practice) smart ladder use.
  • Heat-Related Illness – The SEAA advises erectors to be on the lookout for heat rash, heat exhaustion and heatstroke in themselves and fellow crew members while on the job. Every site should offer a shaded break area, ice, water & sports drinks, and protective clothing & cooling towels. If you don’t already have protective guidelines in place to prevent heat-related illness, now is the time to establish them before the spring brings warmer temperatures.

SEAA’s 50th Anniversary Convention

Steel erectors everywhere are gearing up to head to Charleston, South Carolina in early April for the SEAA’s 50th Anniversary Convention and Trade Show. With NFL Great Joe Theismann announced as the keynote speaker, and a who’s who of leaders in steel erection attending, it’s an industry event you won’t want to miss.

Hiring Remains a Challenge

Just as other industries have been hit hard by hiring woes (and the “Great Resignation”), steel erection is no exception. A survey conducted in early 2022 found that more than 40% of respondents reported that hiring issues are their biggest challenge today, and 37% believe hiring will continue to be a problem over the next three years.

Those surveyed also stated that having craft training in place to support new and existing personnel is another major concern, an area that requires more attention in order to help solve the hiring crisis. On a positive note, the SEAA has said they are working on finding ways to provide resources and help those in the steel erecting fieldwork through hiring obstacles.

If you’re in steel erection and looking to increase efficiency on your jobs and save time, we invite you to try our new Drop-In Frames, an MSC Hot Product for 2021. Learn more about them here, or start a fast quote here.


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